Zoo Med Eco Earth Coconut Fiber Substrate 8,8 L
Zoo Med Eco Earth Coconut Fiber Substrate 8,8 L

Zoo Med Eco Earth Coconut Fiber Substrate 8,8 L

Eco Earth® Coconut Fiber Substrate is an eco-friendly product made from the husks of coconuts and can be safely composted or recycled into potted plants or gardens.

14.65 €
Tax included


Zoo Med Eco Earth coconut fiber substrate

The Eco Earth® coconut fiber base is an environmentally friendly product made from coconut shells, which perfectly absorbs and breaks down odors and waste in a completely natural way. After use, it can be safely composted or recycled into pots or gardens.

Zoo Med Eco Earth® is an excellent base for frogs, toads, marsh warblers, navels (non-aquatic), turtles, land turtles, box turtles and other land turtle species, forest lizards and snakes (non-desert) and all other species of invertebrates including solitary crustaceans (hermits).

Instructions for use: pour the substrate to the desired height. For turtles that dig or terrestrial turtles such as boxfish and toads are recommended to fill 1.5 to 2x the height of the animal (so if your turtle is 10.2cm tall you would use a minimum of 15.3cm of substrate). An adequate amount of substrate provides reptiles and amphibians with enough material to be able to create natural underground dens (microclimates) which is crucial for their health.

Maintenance: moisten the substrate daily to ensure optimal humidity in the habitat. Always use a humidity meter to make sure you have the appropriate level of humidity for a particular type of animal (see the guides for the species you have for information).

Tip: We recommend that you partially cover the top of the terrarium with glass to help maintain the amount of moisture.

Cleaning: clean as needed. If the substrate has an extremely unpleasant odor, replace it completely. The replacement of the entire substrate depends on the smell and the amount of animals in the habitat, but we advise a complete replacement at least every 6 months.

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