Zoo Med ReptiSafe Water Conditioner 125 ml
Zoo Med ReptiSafe Water Conditioner 125 ml

Zoo Med ReptiSafe Water Conditioner 125 ml

It is a liquid drinking water preparation for all types of snakes, lizards, water turtles, land turtles, amphibians, desert crustaceans and spiders.

9.25 €
Tax included


Zoo Med Reptisafe water conditioner 125 ml

It is a liquid drinking water preparation for all types of snakes, lizards, water turtles, land turtles, amphibians, desert crustaceans and spiders.

The first water treatment for terrariums, with immediate action, the purpose of which is to remove harmful substances from tap water. This will keep your reptile healthy. Great for reptile water tanks, chameleon drip systems, amphibian habitats and water turtle terrariums. REPTISAFE® removes chloramines and chlorine, detoxifies ammonia and nitrites, and provides essential ions and electrolytes to help hydrate your new pet. It also promotes the development of a mucous membrane in amphibians and fish.

Ingredients: water, chlorine remover, synthetic organic polymers (colloids), chelator, electrolytes.

Instructions for use:

  • Terrarium drinking water containers: Add two drops of ReptiSafe to 250 ml of tap water. Add, as above, each time you change the water (i.e. daily).
  • Aquatic habitat water: Add 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of ReptiSafe to 20 L of tap water. Thus prepare all new and / or replacement water.

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